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What You Can Do


A military honor guard carries the flag draped casket of a fallen soldier

Photo by Eric Durr, New York Army National Guard

Throughout the United States and around the world, there are hundreds of thousands of missing persons as a result of accidents, foul play and warfare.  One of the most fundamental and universal measures of dignity and respect any person deserves is the right to a culturally appropriate final resting place.  As it stands, the opportunities for that vary broadly depending upon where the person is missing and the economic status of their family. Government efforts are limited by competing budgetary needs.   As a 501c3 nonprofit (EIN 82-1702503), we can provide similar services.


Simply stated: the current state of  search and recovery efforts is far from ideal due to insufficient resources and a lack of uniform application of modern procedures, technology and training.  Your support helps provide those resources and capabilities where they would not otherwise be available

UPDATE (14 May 2024): Due to the questionable business practices of our previous payment processor, we are currently switching to a new service provider for this.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope to have service restored by 20 May 2024.  If you have any questions or need to get in touch with us in the mean time, please contact us using the contact form. 

Thank you in advance for your generous support that helps locate, recover, and return missing persons-- civilian and military-- to their families.

We offer two ways you can support our mission.  Traditional donations may be made by filling out the form below.  If you would prefer to purchase specific equipment or supplies that we need for our upcoming fieldwork, please visit our Amazon list to help our volunteers by purchasing one or more of the items we are currently seeking: 

Kolibri Forensics Needed Equipment and Supplies

If you currently own a boat, outboard motor, and/or boat trailer and would be interested in donating it to our team, please feel free to contact our executive director and chief forensic archaeologist, Steve Richey, by email at srichey (AT) 

*Please switch the (AT) to the standard symbol.  It is written this way here to minimize the amount of spam emails we receive.  

Donation Amount
Due to a recent issue with individuals spamming our donation page, we have removed the option to add a custom amount. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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Credit Card Information

Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

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